Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Summer of Fusion

By Danielle Pieri, Summer 2008 Intern (@dpieri)

I had the privilege of interning at Fusion in the summer of 2008. At the end of my junior year, I was looking to gain valuable experience at a Public Relations agency to prepare me for my career after graduation. While at Fusion, I gained skills from building media lists to preparing briefing documents for clients and improved my time management.

Everything I learned at Fusion has prepared me for where I am today. I graduated in May from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Corporate Communication and minors in Public Relations and Advertising. I am currently freelancing at Ericho Communications in New York City, where I interned this past summer. My skill set has allowed me to expand on my practices and pitch the media.

My time spent at Fusion was invaluable and an “intern experience” many students hope for. I recommend Fusion to students who want to gain experience that will prepare them for their Public Relations careers in the future.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Where Are They Now?

By Bennie Sham, Internship Program Lead, (@beesham)

Over the past few years, Fusion's internship program has developed into a highly-attractive opportunity for students who are looking to get real hands-on experience in the public relations field. We've worked with some great students, who have helped us grow our program. Now, we're asking them to come forth and tell us what they've been up to and if their time at Fusion has helped them any.

We'll begin featuring our former interns, in no particular order. So, sit back and enjoy Fusion's new series, "Where Are They Now?"


Friday, October 23, 2009

The Great Intern Hunt ‘10

By Justin Finnegan, Senior Account Executive, (@justinfinnegan)

In PR, there’s a point almost every year when our action items lists are filled to capacity and, as an agency, we collectively look around and say, ”Where are the interns?”

In order to help lighten the load, I’ll be at Hofstra University’s School of Communication (yours truly is an alumnus, class of ’01), looking for a hearty bunch of interns to come join us over here in Times Square to lend us a much-needed hand. In trade, they will get a first-hand experience into the oft glamorous world that is public relations.

So, if you are at Hofstra today and want to talk shop, stop by our table and I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

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